
10 Must-Avoid Foods During Pregnancy

Alice Thomas
4 min readApr 27, 2018


Unnatural craving for food is normal when you’re pregnant. However, as a mother to be, you cannot be allowed to eat whatever your body urges. Your doctor will determine your food schedule during this period, based on your body condition. A baby scan from a baby scan clinic can determine how your baby’s been doing and that way based on the report, you can get your do’s and don’ts.

A baby scan clinic will tell you the avoidable things for you, while you’re pregnant. Among so many things food is one of the most important things, where you should be careful at the time of eating them. So here is the list of foods you should avoid at any cost while pregnant.

Raw meat: Uncooked seafood or undercooked eggs or beef should be avoided. Because it has the risk of bacterial infection.

Fish containing mercury: Fishes like a shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish have high mercury levels and must be taken during this period. Mercury, an element found in oceans, streams, and lakes, converts into methylmercury in the human body. It is a neurotoxin and is linked to brain damage and effects in baby’s development.

Smoked seafood: Do not eat smoked and refrigerated seafood, which are labeled as lox, jerky, nova style and kippered as they contain Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. This bacteria causes listeriosis, which is associated with symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting and it can lead to illness in newborn and even miscarriage or stillbirth. Also, processed seafood contains high levels of salt which can lead to increased blood pressure and swelling of the body parts.

Deli meats: Avoid eating deli meats which are also known as ready-to-eat meats. These contain listeria bacteria. This can move from the mother to placenta causing serious complications including fetal death.

Soft cheese: Soft cheese may contain listeria. You must avoid cheese like feta, gorgonzola, Roquefort, camembert.

Unpasteurized milk: Unpasteurized milk contains harmful bacteria, so it’s safe to drink only pasteurized ones.

Caffeine: Avoid caffeine in the first trimester. Caffeine eliminates fluid from the body, so it is better to not drink this.

Alcohol: No amount of alcohol should be in your body during pregnancy. It will create a problem in the healthy development of the baby.

Unwashed vegetables and fruits: Unwashed fruits and veggies have Toxoplasma parasite that harms the growing baby. Toxoplasmosis contaminates the soil where fruits and vegetables are planted and you may ingest the harmful microbes if you eat them unwashed.

Raw sprouts: Avoid eating raw sprouts including clover, alfalfa, mung bean, radish, broccoli, sunflower, onion, soybean, and snow pea sprouts. They are hugely prone to listeria, salmonella, and E.coli bacteria. This can lead to could lead to premature birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infections in newborns. Salmonella and E.coli can cause severe illnesses.

Be selective and careful about what are you eating while you are carrying another life inside of you. Always remember that your food defines your as well as your baby’s health. You can make tasteless and mundane food tasty right at home. So indulge yourself in some cooking too.



Alice Thomas

A medical student, a philosopher and a proud human being. Love to share my knowledge with others….