8 Tips To Follow For An Easy Natural Childbirth

Alice Thomas
4 min readOct 28, 2019


The most dreaded part of pregnancy that makes all women bite their fingers in anticipation is the moment of “labour”. It’s a universal truth that every pregnant woman (no matter if it’s her first pregnancy or second) has inquired and researched a lot about this topic. The moment your due date is confirmed by the ultrasound baby scan clinic, you prepare yourself for the D-day and also the advice mill overwhelms you to the core.

Childbirth is no child’s play so let’s make your job easier and give some tips you can follow for an easy and smooth natural childbirth. So here are the following tips you must follow if you are going to have a normal delivery.

Be Mentally Prepared

We know for sure that whatever you think, you believe, and whatever you believe, you become. So, if you’ve properly prepared yourself mentally for the special day then nothing in the world can worry or scare you. To be mentally prepared, you need to have a positive approach which you’ll only get if you look at the bright side of the coin. You also need to educate yourself about the entire process and have a balanced mind that you have signed up for this and you’re going to beautifully deal with it.

Discard Your Fears

Fearing anything has no benefits so instead of being scared, you can simply try to enjoy the experience because there are many perks of going for natural birth like you’ll be able to experience and connect with everything and get the chance to nurse your child during the golden hour.

Try Yoga

Of course, you can practice pregnancy yoga as it builds confidence, provides flexibility and stretches your pelvic muscles which are crucial for childbirth. Try yoga poses like child pose, lotus pose, warrior, and corpse pose for easy delivery. But before starting any yoga session, do consult with your doctor.

Attend Childbirth Classes

These classes specifically caters to pregnant women who are planning to have a natural delivery. You will be able to get valid answers for your queries about anything related to childbirth. Do sign up for one now.

Write A Birth Plan

Write a birth plan

A birth plan is a piece of paper in which you write about what do you expect during your delivery. It includes your preferences on the following things:

- your birth partner

- labour position

- place of delivery

- religious customs

- any special requirements.

Get Perineal Massages

Your perineum might tear during the labour so you should opt for perineal massages during the final months of your pregnancy. Take help of your partner if you can’t perform it on your own. Always do it with clean hands and short nails, also try to use medically-prescribed unscented and organic lubricating gel or oil for the purpose.

Consider Asking For A Doula


A doula will give your additional mental support during that strenuous time as studies confirm that doulas do relieve the mother’s anxiety so do opt for the comforting presence of a doula.

Practice Meditation


Meditation will soothe your mind and de-stress you, both during pregnancy and during normal delivery.

So, do follow the above-mentioned bits of advice for an easy and safe normal delivery. Also, do get an ultrasound from an ultrasound baby scanning services centre to confirm the due date.



Alice Thomas
Alice Thomas

Written by Alice Thomas

A medical student, a philosopher and a proud human being. Love to share my knowledge with others….

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