When To Do An Ultrasound Scan In Aylesbury

Alice Thomas
2 min readApr 19, 2021


An ultrasound is something you will need to get when you are pregnant. There is a routine scan offered by the NHS, but you can also get multiple private ultrasound scans in Aylesbury at a private clinic. But when should you get an ultrasound scan? This is usually one of the most common questions among mothers-to-be. There are some few various things you need to consider when deciding on the time to do an ultrasound scan.

Determining gender

When doing an ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby, you should know when the gender of the baby can be able to be determined. Gender of the baby can be determined accurately after week 16 of the pregnancy. At this time, you will be able to see the great development underway and more of your unborn one.
Pregnant women often ask us if we can determine gender prior to week 16 of the pregnancy. We have conducted a trial in a bad to test how accurate we can be prior to 16 weeks. Even though we were right most of the time, we were not convinced that the accuracy rate was high enough to meet our standards. There are so many decisions, plans and feelings that are usually made based on the gender of the baby. So, we, at Window to the Womb in Aylesbury, want to feel that confident, not only in the development of the baby, but also in the images we are obtaining before we tell you to go ahead and make plans for the boy or girl.

Determining multiple pregnancies

Facial features of the baby are usually becoming more defined between 24–26 weeks. If you are having multiple pregnancies, this is also a great time to capture the 3D or 4D pictures of your babies.

One elective ultrasound for the entire pregnancy period

May be you would want to have only one elective ultrasound. In this case, the best time to go for the scan is between 27–32 weeks. By this time, your baby has had enough time to build up enough body fat, but will still have room to freely move around.
A great time for an ultrasound would also be between 33–37 weeks if your baby will cooperate. This is because the baby is actually getting larger at this time and may even start to drop. So, it might be a little difficult to get the desired facial pictures.



Alice Thomas
Alice Thomas

Written by Alice Thomas

A medical student, a philosopher and a proud human being. Love to share my knowledge with others….

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